
2 socratic seminars in one day.. never a fun thing 😛
but better than expected.

It’s currently 10:28.. its late! haa at least for me.. on a school night.

But anyway, I got around to making a list of everything I need to do before I go to Sweden next week and it goes on and on! There are lots of presents to buy (i have no idea what I’m getting half the people..) LOTS of homework to do and teachers to talk with and lots of clothes to wash. Oh, and boots to buy. Goodness knows I’m terrified of slipping.. and prone to it as well. But, hopefully some balance practice, milk drinking and sturdy shoes will help.

Oh! And its been pouring rain all day. Hopefully, my school county will freak because water is falling from the sky and give us a delay? Ha.. okay probably not, but a girl can dream. 😉

haa goodness knows I dream a lot.

If you have a minute, watch this video!
It’s beautiful.


Krugs + Blessings

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